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Free Hobbies and Crafts Quiz Listing

The more you use your brain, the smarter you become and the more healthy your brain is! Take one of our Hobbies and Crafts quizzes, test your knowledge, and find out more about yourself!

Quiz - Color
Test what you know about colors and how to create them.

Assessing Your Paper Crafts IQ
How much do you know about paper crafts? Take our glossary quiz to find out!

The Lincoln Penny Quiz
Test your knowledge of the Lincoln Cent

Hummingbird Quiz
Hummingbirds are darling, tiny birds with amazing talents! Take this quiz and see how well you know hummingbirds.

Learn to Knit
Here are ten multiple choice questions about learning to knit

Canada Goose Quiz
Canada Geese are found in just about every location in North America. Learn more about Canada Geese with this fun quiz by a past Animal Life editor.

U.S. Coin Basics
Do you know the basics of U.S. Coins and terminology? This quiz will challange your knowledge. It is geared to the Beginner and Intermediate Collector.

Quiz - Where Fibers Come From
Test your knowledge of where different handspinning fibers come from.

Coin Terms
This will test you knowledge of Numismatic terminology

How well do you know your Embroidery techniques?
So just how well do you know the different embroidery techniques? Take our quiz and find out!

Tatting Techniques Quiz
Have some fun identifying authors and learn who invented some of the popular tatting techniques of today!

Quiz - Wool Sheep Breeds #1
How much do you know about the breeds who produce spinning fleeces?

Quiz - Spinning Terms
Test your knowledge on different terms used in spinning fibers.

The Playmakers - Who Invented Which Game?
Match these game inventors with the game they invented! All of these answers can be found in the book "Timeless Toys - Classic Toys and the Playmakers Who Created Them"

Test Your Tatting IQ
Here are a few tidbits of tatting techniques, designs, designers, vintage terms, modern terms, and plain tatting trivia. See what you remember. Have fun!

Rubber Stamp IQ Test
How much do you know about rubber stamping? Test your Rubber Stamp IQ here. While some questions may have more than one possible answer, try to find the best answer!

Full List of Free Tests and Quizzes


All-In-One Instant Pot Ramen Recipe

Finding Time to Sew

Chicken with Zucchini and Tomatoes Recipe


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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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