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Quick No-Cook Low Carb Recipes

by Lisa Shea
This 120-page book on Quick No-Cook Low Carb Recipes features 45 recipes ranging from easy cheese-plate ideas that any college student can try to more advanced recipes like tuna tartare which require a few ingredients to assemble.

*Updated for 2015! More recipes! More photos!*

This 120-page book on Quick No-Cook Low Carb Recipes features 45 recipes ranging from easy cheese-plate ideas that any college student or after-school kid can try to more advanced recipes like tuna tartare which involve more complex flavors. Explore a new recipe every day for a month and expand your menu choices!

This book provides easy ideas for preparing quick, healthy meals that you will love. Every recipe can be made without cooking. If you've only got five minutes, this book has the answer. Kids who want to eat healthy can make these dishes without any cooking. Whether you're at an office without a microwave or living in a college dorm, you can make these healthy foods to keep your body energized and happy.

These recipes are perfect in power failures and other no-power, no-stove, no-microwave situations! As long as your e-reader works, you're all set! Perfect as part of your emergency kit.

In addition to the recipes, all of my low carb books provide appendices which explain how to successfully manage a low carb diet.

PDF viewer note: The PDF is laid out so you're able to print it into a three ring binder if you wish, with the pages falling properly on double-sided printing. To see that same effect in your PDF viewer, first go into View - Page Display - Two Page view in order to have a two-page view with a left and right page. Then use View - Page Display - Show Cover Page so that the initial cover page shows up first and doesn't impact that two page review.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions! I frequently update all my low carb books based on your recommendations.

Pages: 120
Price: $2.99 US

This ebook is available in both PDF and EPUB format.
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