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BellaOnline's Baptist Editor

 E D I T O R   P I C K S  

Here are the Editor's Picks articles for the Baptist Site! These are the top ten articles that your Baptist Editor feels are most important for you to read. Enjoy!

1. Fear Not
Fear is a natural emotion that is experienced when we are put in a dangerous situation. Fear can also be triggered when we are faced with the unknown. Fear is an emotion that can be controlled.

2. Gift of Faith
The bible is filled with many promises of God. These promises are made to his people. In order to be blessed by these promises, faith must be present in the believer’s life. Faith is a Gift from God that must be given. There is a way to grow your faith.

3. Open Your Eyes
Sickness, disease, war, violence, break-ins, and the list goes on. These are all reasons to cause fear to enter into our minds. If we allow these fears to settle into our minds and hearts, we will be unable to do God’s Will for our lives.

4. War is Not An Option
Did you know that you were drafted into the army of the Lord when you became a Christian? Did you know that there is a war going on for your soul? You were not thrown into this fight without weapons to defend yourself or others.

5. Mind Control
The enemy doesn't want your body. He does not want your finances. He does not profit from wreaking havoc on your situation. The enemy is after your mind.

6. The Truth Shall Set You Free
You can’t fight the enemy on your own. In your own strength you are weak, but with God you are more than a conqueror. Remind yourself of the truth.

7. Sinking Fast
At some point in your life you might ask, "Lord, where are you?" You may feel as if you are sinking fast. The Lord said that he will never leave you nor forsake you.

8. Promise to Children
Children are blessings from God. If you have had the pleasure of contributing to a child’s life in any way, your reward will be in heaven. Parents, as well as children, were given a direct command from God. This command was given with a promise.

9. Faith Challenged
Faith is the opposite of doubt. When doubt ends, faith will begin. Learn to see things in a different way. Turn doubt into faith with a simple step.

10. Positive Directions
Sometimes in life, it seems as if we need direction. We are not sure about which way to turn. Some decisions that we make can be life changing. They can set us in the correct direction for success. One wrong decision can set us back in life.

Be sure to visit the Baptist Archives for all the articles!


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