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BellaOnline Editor Application Process

Are you interested in becoming a BellaOnline Editor?

It's wonderful that you are considering joining the BellaOnline community of writers! We would love to have you as part of our team. We try to ensure that our system is as transparent as possible, and that every applicant knows exactly what they will be learning and experiencing with BellaOnline. Here is how the BellaOnline editor training process works:

You complete and submit the BellaOnline editor application form and respond to the confirmation message so we know your email address is valid.

Step 2:
We will review your application. It can take a few weeks for us to go through all applications for a given site and determine which application best suits our needs. Please be patient with us as we sort through all of the applications. You will definitely hear back within 30 days.

Step 3:
We will contact you as soon as possible and let you know if you've been accepted as a BellaOnline Trainee. Note that we will contact you as well if you are not a good fit, so you will be notified either way. You can also track the status of your application in the BellaOnline Members Area, under the "Join Us" tab in the top line.

Step 4:
If you are accepted as a trainee, we'll e-mail you a welcome letter, using the email address you signed up with and confirmed. In that welcome letter we will provide information on how to access our BellaOnline administration area.

Step 5:
Your first task in the BellaOnline administration area is to sign the editor contract, so that we legally have permission to show your words on our site. Second, we have a quick online plagiarism course to ensure you understand the basics of plagiarism. Both of these should be completed within the first five days. After that you can start building your site! You immediately begin adding articles and sending newsletters. We provide a full training manual online, to teach you the ins and outs of writing on the web and drawing in traffic. You will have both the training manager and a personally-asigned mentor to help you out.

We set aside one month of training for each trainee. This month gives you time to learn about our system, us time to learn about your writing, and both of us time to find if this is a good fit. We expect a trainee to be able to dedicate time each week during that month to write fresh articles and to learn our system. After the four weeks the trainee should have four articles on their site, be familiar with how to use the site email and forum area, and to be ready to graduate out of the basic training program!

Overview | Guidelines | Site FAQ | Editor FAQ | Our Writing Style
Testimonials | Process | Available Topics | Creating the Perfect Application | Apply Now

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BellaOnline Editor